Abstracts shall be submitted via participants' accounts on the conference website (preferably) or via the e-mail scftec2023@isc-ras.ru (please include information about the form of your participation: an oral presentation (20 min), a poster presentation or participation without a presentation).
One participant cannot submit more than two papers (but can be a co-author of other papers).
Abstract formatting guidelines: Pages maximum: 2 pages. Languages: Russian and English (in one file). Figure legends and references: A4 page size with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. File type: Ms Word for Windows. Font: 12 pt, Times New Roman. Spacing: 1.5. First state the title of your contribution (in capital letters). Then type the author's name / authors' names with superscrips if the authors have different affiliations (in small letters). Then type the authors' affiliations and e-‑mails (small letters, italic). Underline the participants' surnames and initials.
The deadline for submitting the abstracts to the Organizing Committee is February 28, 2023.